Charlie Brittain

Training/Education: Charlie (he/him) trained at the Salzburg Experimental Academy of Dance, Tring Park School for the Performing Arts and London Contemporary Dance School CAT Scheme; his further qualifications include Advanced Clinical Sports Therapy & Rehabilitation, Integrative Health Coaching & Nutritional Therapy (on-going), Pilates’ Teaching Certification and Emergency & Urgent Care.

Professional Experience: Currently a dancer with Russell Maliphant Company, Charlie has performed with Kale Companhia de Dança, Helder Seabra, Christine Hassid, Milan Tomášik and Julyen Hamilton, and in projects with Rambert Dance Company, English National Ballet and the Royal Opera House, amongst others. He is a sought after rehearsal director, and his choreographic work is performed internationally. Charlie’s teaching includes National Dance Company Wales, Salzburg Experimental Academy of Dance, Zagreb Academy of Dramatic Arts, Northern School of Contemporary Dance, Jasmin Vardimon II, English National Ballet and EN-KNAP Dance Company. He has been Associate Artist at English National Ballet and Associate Creative Director of National Youth Ballet. Charlie’s clinical practice is specialised in the assessment, treatment and rehabilitation of dancers and movement practitioners alongside which he consults and lectures across a range of areas in dance health and well-being and on professional sports therapy, coaching and rehabilitation courses. He remains active in frontline pre-hospital care with emergency ambulance services.

Biggest inspiration: ‘Human resilience.’

Visit Charlie’s website.

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Charlie Brittain
Artistic Consultant and Sports Therapist