Evolving Visions – Chaperone Information Page
Welcome to our chaperone page! The theatre phase is a very exciting time backstage and onstage for the company. Supporting our children in a full-scale production in world-class theatres is a wonderful way to be close to the buzz of the performance. We are delighted to have such a brilliant team of chaperones and here below you will find all the information that you need. In addition to this webpage, you will receive a printed chaperone pack at the theatres which contains the essential information on the day with the register of children in your care.
Please remember to bring your chaperone licence and DBS certificate with you on the day. We look forward to seeing you!
NYB Team
A note from Jules:
Thank you all so much for your commitment to support and be a part of National Youth Ballet’s Evolving Visions 2024. I’m delighted to be working with you all and I hope that together we can ensure that all the young people attending will have a wonderful experience, that they are nurtured and most importantly they are safe whilst in the theatres. Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility, so if in doubt please do not hesitate to ask questions or report any concerns to me or to Barbara Palczynski.
The Crescent Theatre, Birmingham
Please arrive at The Crescent Theatre at 12:15pm on Tuesday 20th August in time for a full briefing and tour of the theatre, and then at 11:45am on Wednesday 21st and Thursday 22nd. If you are accompanying your own dancer, they will be able to wait in the foyer area with a supervising adult, or can be signed in by a friend’s parent.
Sadler’s Wells, London
Please arrive at Sadler’s Wells at 11:30 am for a full briefing and tour of the theatre.
Lastly, please note that we have several young people in the company who have severe allergies to nuts, therefore NYB is a nut free zone. Please do not bring any products to the theatre that may contain nuts. I welcome you all and look forward to seeing you at The Crescent.
Draft Chaperone Rota (as of 01.08.2024)
Evolving Visions Running Order
BIRMINGHAM : Emergency Telephone Numbers
ISLINGTON : Emergency Telephone Numbers
Photo (c) Jack Thomson
Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility. Please make sure that you have read the NYB safeguarding policy.
NYB has prepared a suite of bespoke safeguarding videos for working with children and young people, which bring safeguarding to life and will remind everyone of their safeguarding responsibilities.
These videos are mandatory safeguarding training for all NYB staff and volunteers.
Although it is not compulsory for licensed chaperones to watch them (as you have received safeguarding training in order to obtain your license), we would like to share these video’s with you in case you would like to watch them as an additional resource or training.
Video Link Feedback Form
1. Types and Signs of Abuse (22m 18) Video 1 feedback
2. Code of Conduct (21 m) Video 2 Feedback Form
3. Psychological Safety (11m 47) Video 3 Feedback Form
4. Reinforcing positive messages for growth (16m 05) Video 4 Feedback Form
Disordered Eating Resource and please find feedback form here.
Key staff
Our Safeguarding and Support Team Manager is Jules Renahan. She will be on site in person throughout the residential and in theatres and is the first point of contact for any questions about safeguarding and pastoral care and can offer guidance and support.
Our Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) is Barbara Palczynski. The DSL is the first point of contact for the staff and volunteers if there is a safeguarding concern or advice is needed on a confidential safeguarding issue. Do not discuss your concerns with other staff members. She will be contactable throughout the residential and in theatres by telephone on 07884 312808 if there is a safeguarding concern. As per the Safeguarding Policy, when sharing a safeguarding concern with the DSL please ensure:
- Information is accurate
- The concern is reported as soon as possible
- Information is up to date
- Written documentation relating to a safeguarding concern should be handed to the appropriate member of NYB team so that they can store it in a safe and secure place. The DSL will advise on this.
When you record your concern (or those of the person who raised them) please use the Reporting a Concern Form (Appendix A Page 25 in the Safeguarding Policy). Please be clear, concise and factual.
- Name of child
- Date, time and place
- Who else was present
- What was said / what happened / what you noticed (speech, behaviour, mood, drawings, games or appearance )
- If child or parent spoke, record their words rather than your interpretation
- Analysis of what you observed and why it is a cause for concern
Please refer to our Flowchart of Safeguarding Reporting
Photo (c) Lachlan Monaghan
Crescent, Birmingham
Sadlers Wells, London
1st Floor – All Dressing Rooms
1st Floor – Dressing Rooms 1 to 6
2nd Floor – All Dressing Rooms
2nd Floor – Dressing Rooms 1,2 and Wardrobe
2nd Floor – Dressing Rooms 3 and 4
Policies and Guidelines
It is essential that you read our Policies and Code of Conduct prior to your work with National Youth Ballet. Even if you have read them before, these are regularly updated so please read them again.
Please make sure you have read:
- Physical Contact in Dance Policy
- Code of Conduct for Staff and Volunteers
- Safeguarding Policy
- Social Media Policy
Please find all our policies here: https://nationalyouthballet.org/policies/
Please find the Code of Conduct here.
The Residential Performance Company is a NUT FREE ZONE. Please do not bring food containing nuts to Elmhurst or the performance venues. This includes pine nuts, peanut butter, cashew nut butter, almond butter and hazelnut spread (Nutella). Please also be aware that some food items might also contain nuts like cereal bars.
Photo (c) Jack Thomson