Emily Yong
Training/Education: Emily (she/her) started dancing at local dance schools in Leicester and Peterborough. She then went on to train at Rambert School, graduating with a First Class Honours degree.
Professional Experience: Emily has enjoyed dancing with various companies including Springs Dance Company, Casson & Friends, English National Opera, Hawk Dance Theatre and The Knotted Project. Emily is co-founder of Eek & Wild who are Artists in Residence at Chelsea & Westminster Hospital, performing regularly on the Paediatrics wards. As well as performing, Emily has a passion for teaching dance, and believes that dance can benefit people from all walks of life. She has enjoyed teaching for English National Ballet YouthCo, Made By Katie Green, What Dance Can Do, and The Natashas Project.
Biggest Inspiration: ‘Since becoming a mum in 2023, I am now hugely inspired by mothers far and wide who give so much to their little people!’
Image (c) Lucy Yong