
Our Patrons

Carlos Acosta CBE

Sir David Bintley CBE

Sir Matthew Bourne  OBE

Baroness Deborah Bull CBE

Dame Darcey Bussell DBE

Jayne Cadbury MBE

Reece Clarke

Lauren Cuthbertson

Antony Dowson ARAD

Amanda Fone

Janet Kinson FISTD

Dame Joanna Lumley DBE

Dame Monica Mason DBE, Former Director of Royal Ballet

Drew McOnie

Anna Meadmore

Angela Mortimer

Samira Saidi

Dame Antoinette Sibley DBE

Tyrone Singleton

Wayne Sleep OBE

Sir Peter Wright CBE

The NYB continues to set a standard for excellence in its performances, wherever they may be.  My admiration for the entire organisation grows year by year.

Dame Monica Mason, DBE, Former Director of the Royal Opera House, NYB Patron

NYB teaches the children about so much more than dancing – they learn about theatre, backcloth design, costumes, music and most importantly working as a company. They are so lucky to experience this at such a young age

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