Youth Council

Join our new Youth Council!


National Youth Ballet is looking for up to 8 young people to join our new Youth Council. The Youth Council is a great way to have your voice heard. You would meet up to four times per year and work with the NYB team to discuss NYB’s plans and think about some of our challenges, to help us improve the way that we work.

The Youth Council is a voluntary opportunity for young people interested in learning about working in the arts, and passionate about contributing towards the future development of NYB and the way we work with young people. Members can be part of the group for up to two years. We would like the Youth Council to reflect a wide range of young voices so it can represent the diversity of society.

You don’t need academic qualifications or to have attended NYB before.

We are looking for enthusiastic young people who can:

  • commit to attending council meetings
  • give feedback on NYB activities to help us think about what works best for young people
  • listen to others, reflect, collaborate, and share opinions
  • be happy to represent NYB as young ambassadors and take part in focus groups
  • help us think about new ideas for audience development.


In exchange, you will gain

  • a good understanding of how an arts organisation runs
  • valuable work experience having your voice heard and influencing what happens at NYB
  • leadership skills including advocating for young people in wider dance sector
  • the chance to help at other NYB activities such as welcoming or ushering at events
  • an active two way dialogue with NYB, in particular the senior management team.

How can I apply

Whether you have accessed NYB activities before or not, we’d love to hear from you! Please answer the questions below by Monday 26 February 8pm. You can send your answers either as a word document or as a video uploaded as an ‘unlisted’ private link on YouTube* (see appendix). Please send your application or YouTube link to with ‘Youth Council’ in the title.

  •  Tell us about yourself (maximum 100 words or 1 minute video)
  • Why do you want to join National Youth Ballet’s Youth Council? (maximum 150 words or 2 minutes’ video)
  • What would you bring to National Youth Ballet’s Youth Council? (maximum 150 words/2 minutes)

What happens next?

Applicants will be shortlisted and a small group will be asked for informal individual conversations on zoom with members of the NYB team. If you have any questions, or would like this information in a different format or need additional support to complete an application, please get in touch with and we will do our best to help you!

Please note that being a member of the Youth Council will not make any difference to gaining a place at the Residential Performance Company which is by audition only.


* How to upload an Unlisted YouTube video:
An unlisted video is different from a private video. “Unlisted” means that only people who know the link to the video can view it (such as friends, family, or institutions to whom you send the link). An unlisted video will not appear in any of YouTube’s public spaces (such as search results, your channel, or the Browse page). An unlisted video is different from a private video because you don’t need a YouTube account to watch the video (all you need is the link) and there’s no 50 person sharing limit. You can choose to make any of your uploads an unlisted video in your YouTube Account settings.
Here’s how:

  1. Sign into or create your YouTube Account
  2. Go to your My Channel page
  3. If you need to upload a video, click on the upload arrow in the upper right banner and skip to step 5.
  4. If you want to edit a video you’ve already uploaded, go to the Video Manager
  5. Select the video which you’d like to make an unlisted video. Click the Edit button to access the video’s settings.
  6. Go to the Privacy section of the page. There you’ll see the option to mark your video as “unlisted,” “public,” or “private.” Select unlisted.
  7. Don’t forget to click the Save Changes button. Once you’ve done this, your video will be an unlisted video.
  8. Copy the “Video URL” found to the right of the video in Video Manager (under “video
    information”), and send it to whomever you wish to be able to view the video.